Lord, are we there yet?

God has really been working on my spirit lately as a mother, and a wife, and really just simply being a woman. Cause lets get real, Gods always working on each of us and that he’s never done with us. 

Right now I feel like he has been really speaking to this part of my soul that’s been hurting. The past few weeks I have felt like he has put this message on my heart that “I am a child of God.”

You know when you really need to hear something & even if you’ve heard it a thousand times before, you can hear it again and there’s this whole new power behind it. For me, grasping that I am a child of God and God being our father has really just kind of got me mind blown. Like, WOW, I desperately needed that reminder. I am his DAUGHTER. I am a mother and a daughter, but I am also HIS. (insert corny mind blow sound effects)

The other morning I was getting ready by myself, drinking coffee, listening to worship music on YouTube, and just trying to get my Jesus Zen on before my wild Indians woke up. Once the littlest  woke up I switched bathrooms, changed YouTube to Cars learning videos (eye roll) and cast it to the living room TV.  As I was getting ready and the TV starts blaring the song I am a child of God. 1.) I had changed it to a kids channel 2.) I didn’t even have this song on my playlist earlier that morning. Considering this is something I had already been thinking about that morning, I was like, “Uh huh, I see ya, Jesus.” Chills. Kinda freaked me out, but I love synchronicity and affirmations. It’s like the Lord is saying, “You’re getting the message. Keep listening.”

In these few weeks I’ve been lead to different messages and verses and truths about who God, our father, really is. As I was processing these truths, I processed them with the thought of him as not only a divine parent but an earthly parent. God keeps his promises. He is kind, loving and tender. He is ALWAYS there and never absent. He’s dependable and never unreliable. He is strong, courageous, our protector, our fortress, our rock, refuge, and carries our burdens.  He will love us and never for sake us. He knows the plans HE has for EACH and every single one of us. HE KNOWS US from the inside out and always has. Think about this from a parent’s perspective. He grew us in the womb, he loved us before we were conceived, he loved us even before the day we were born and never stopped. He guides us, he watches over us, he carries us, he cares for us, he motivates us, he drives us. Just imagine him as a father wanting us to be filled with joy, love, kindness, patience, boldness, strength, dreams, drive, and a zest for life. I imagine him as this perfect divine mixture of mother and father because he has all of the qualities of a parent and more. Whenever Earthly parents might be lacking, or going through something, or maybe they’re not there at all, or whatever the case may be, God is still Our Father. He carries our burdens and he’s there even when we feel alone.

While processing all of these thoughts, I began to think about myself as a mother and the roles I take on. I thought about kids and the things they say and do and how that correlates with my role as a child of God. THEN THIS HIT ME.

I started thinking about how my 6 year old asks so many stinkin’ questions. You know how they ask SOOO MANY questions? I’ve told my husband that this has got to be the most testing part of parenthood for me. My brain feels like noodles half the time. Like, how can ONE small person have so many questions? My son asks questions about everything like; Why, mom? Why no? Why not right now? Why not? Mom, what are we going to do today? What are we going to do when we get there? What about tomorrow? How long is that? Mom, what are we doing next? Mom, what are we going to do when we get there? ARE WE THERE YET?!
I know as a mother there are days where I feel like I am just slayin’ motherhood with patience and I have all the right answers and I know how to quiet or distract him. Then there’s other times that I sit there and I think, “Oh my word, if this kid doesn’t stop asking me questions I am going to lose my ever lovin’ mind. I just need silence.” I thought about the times I would say things like, “Son, stop asking the same question! Just stop repeating yourself. I told you we’re almost there. Just wait. .” or, “I have a plan. If you’ll just wait, you’ll get the surprise. If you don’t stop, you’re going to ruin my surprise.” 

Then I started thinking, WOW how awesome is it that we have a God, a father, that is so full of grace, and mercy, and love, and tenderness?! Thank the Lord that he is such a good father when I am asking so many questions, when I am so impatient, when I’m asking questions like, “God, where are we going? what are we doing next? why are things the way they are? why? where? how? when? Are we there yet, God?”

Our God has a plan for each of us. The word says, ” FOR I KNOW the plans I have for you.” it says, “endurance produces character and character produces hope.” it says, ” be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” it says, “Do not lean on your OWN understanding.” He has a plan and he is dependable. He keeps his promises. His promises are always fulfilled. Just because we have a plan, a calendar, a schedule, a time frame…does not mean that it’s HIS plan.

You know those really cool surprises you have for your kids and you ask questions like, “Okay, what do you think we’re going to do?” and they come up with these all these guesses and you’re like, “Noooooope. It’s even better than that!” When we let God, our father, lead our lives he has a plan for us that is so greater than what we can think is possible. 

Full circle. I thought of myself as God’s child in prayer saying and thinking, “God, are we there yet? When will this be over? Where are we going? How are we going to get there? What do we have planned? When are we going to the next place?” and I thought of God saying, “If you will JUST WAIT, if you will just be still, if you will JUST be patient, if you will LISTEN… I have the best journey ahead for us. Just ride. Have faith and trust in MY plan for you. Follow ME.” 
We are children of God and he is our father. I’d die for my kids, hands down. There’s no love like the love I have for my kids. It is absolutely immeasurable. How do you measure that kind of love? How do you even explain that? I’d die for them! I’d do ANYTHING for them. I cry for them, I fight for them, I cheer for them, and I am their BIGGEST fan. There is NOTHING they could do make me love them any less. They are my absolute entire world and I want the  best lives I can imagine for them. Here’s the deal, parents. God loves us MORE than that! and he loves our kids more than that! He sent HIS SON for every single one of us. Can you imagine? He fights for us, he forgives us, he loves us, he rescues us, and he is our strength. He’s our father and >>he is wiser<<. HE HAS THE PLAN. HE has our future in mind. HE is driving the car. HE is leading the way.  Just ride. Enjoy the trip. Listen to his voice. Follow his lead. His plan is greater. 

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